Events & Activities

Educate, Mentor, Encourage, Equip & Empower Women fulfill God's Plan & Purpose in their lives.

image What We Are Doing
Destiny Women is more than just a Program, it is a Passion! We offer training classes to better equip women for ministry by sharing ideas, brainstorming and networking with other women leaders. Our vision is that God will give you even greater Vision of what can be done through you and Destiny Women International.

Training and Mentoring
Through the help of the Holy Spirit we accomplish these by:

  • Lifting the heart of women by proclaiming God's message of forgiveness and restoration, transformation, transferring Godly wisdom & instruction for everyday victories.
  • Testifying to the overcoming power of God's Word and imparting this truth through inspired leadership and Godly personal life of the leader.
  • Compelling women to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to their generation, promoting the message that "ministry" is the call of all believers.
  • Celebrating women in ministry, who serve the Lord all over the world.

Prayer and Intercession
Prayer is an open communication between you and your father through Christ and talking to your Father is the best way to develop that relationship. God promises us "For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them." That is what Destiny Women Ministries is all about. Women supporting women through the abounding love of Christ. We strive to encourage women with opportunities to be moved by the power of prayer. We pray for God’s will and for wisdom, guidance and strength to do His Will.

Are you concerned about the future? Your children? Your health? Your marriage? Your job? Send us a short note with your prayer request and we will pray for you today! We are here to encourage you in your faith!
We have the Intercessory Prayer Partners and Intercessory Prayer Hotline (The Throne Room Intercessors)
Contact our prayer leader and request prayer We will be happy to pray for you.
You can also contact us by phone & email- where women have the power and support of other women.

Prayer Meetings
Our every Friday Prayer Conference Line and All-Night prayer meeting events give women the opportunity to learn how to pray and how to minister to in prayer. Contact our prayer advisor to get involved.
Become a Prayer Pillar. Learn to become an intercessor. “A Woman of Prayer is a Woman of Power” Discover the power of a praying Christian, especially a praying Christian woman.
Our Annual Conference & Prayer Summit- will give you the tools needed to impact your prayer life.
We want to cover the earth with prayer. To join the prayer team, please contact us by email at the following address:

Prayer Priorities -
Our Annual 21-Days Prayer and Fasting program, which takes place every January of the New Year.
We also have our Mid-Year 7-Days Prayer and Fasting every first week of July.
Our weekly Prayer and Fasting: Fast and pray on a regular basis. We fast every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Whether it's one day during each week or one meal each day - however He may lead you - fast and pray for breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your family and fellow believers.
  • Pray for your family, your local Church, your neighborhood, city, and state
  • Pray for salvation of souls
  • Pray for the saints.... Eph 6:18-20
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
  • Pray for United State of America and other nations of the world.
  • And as always, pray for the saints everywhere.

Bible study:
  • Destiny Women International strives to be inspirational to all who choose to participate. We desire to encourage and support women. We do this by teaching the scriptures, learning Biblical lessons from women in the Bible
  • Modeling the Christian faith, apply Christian principles to our challenging lives today, training in spiritual disciplines and caring for the unique needs of women, share experiences and knowledge of God's faithfulness
  • We desire to stimulate life change to fan into flame the gifts God has given to each woman, and to see women established in their walk with the Lord and influencing the world around them.

Our Retreat programs:
Destiny Women International count it a privilege to serve women through retreats, conferences and special times of "one to one" togetherness. Destiny Women believes that families are important in women fulfilling their purpose. We have an annual (1) “DWI Next-Level Family” retreat for the entire family and our (2) “Next-Level Holy Ghost Makeover Women” Retreat for females of ages 12 and above.

Monthly Meetings:
A monthly Gathering designed for women of all ages, women in all seasons of life, women in all stages of spiritual growth ... in other words ... ALL WOMEN!
  • Mothers, Grandmothers and Daughters
  • Christian Women and Non-Christian Women
  • Hurting Women and Survivors of Domestic Violence
  • Single/Married /Divorced Women (ages 12 and up)
  • Women in the Ministry, pastor’s wives and Women with questions about going into ministry.
See what the Scripture said; “….but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. ...encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory”. I Thessalonians 2:7-8, 12
We focus on helping women become complete in Christ through the ministry of women encouraging other women. Some of the things we will be learning and discussing include but are not limited to;
  • How to Value Yourself as a Women
  • Healing Wounds of the Past and Forgiveness
  • How to become an Intercessor and a prayer warrior
  • How to become a women after God’s heart
  • Marriage Relationships and Sex
  • Single still waiting in holiness and purity
  • Your Personal Ministry
  • Health and Beauty
  • Become Empowered and Equip to Overcome
  • Being Highly Effective
  • Time Management - Learn to manage your time
  • To encourage women to be the best they can be. We will focus on offering practical application tips.