Our Philisophy & Guiding Principles

Educate, Mentor, Encourage, Equip & Empower Women fulfill God's Plan & Purpose in their lives.

image Our Philosophy

The purpose of Destiny Women International is not only to furnish us with the tools we need to put into practice a regular time for study, devotion, and reflection, but to also gain the ability to lead others to do the same. It is through continual study of God's Word in its entirety that you and I as believers learn how to walk the Christian walk with maturity and grace and discover His plan and purpose for our lives.

Destiny Women Believes that:

1. God ultimately desires relationship with us and are committed to encouraging a heart of WORSHIP in women and a sensitive spirit to His presence.

2. God desires women to grow into His fullness and to become all that we were created to be as His bride. DISCIPLESHIP

3. God desires to grow our gifts and abilities to be used to build His kingdom and bless His people. MINISTRY

4. God has called us as believers to share that good news of the Gospel, lifting us Jesus Christ and glorifying God. OUTREACH

5. The power of the Holy Spirit to heal the hurts of the past and to renew us.

6. We believe in miracles and have experienced them in our lives. (You can too.)

7. God loves each one of us and is preparing to do a special work in each one of us.

8. God has called us into community with one another and we are enriched by coming together in loving fellowship. FELLOWSHIP

9. God desires our best and are committed to a spirit of excellence in His kingdom (not perfectionism!)

10. God has created women with unique needs, desires and gifts and we are committed to ministering in specific ways to reach women in their uniqueness and to encourage a deepening of their relationship with Jesus.

Our Guiding Principles:

    1. CHARACTER – Our guiding principle places God first in all we do or say. We seek to be obedience to Christ our Master and be rooted in scriptures, growing in His likeness in servanthood, humility and authenticity. We seek a deeper relationship with our Creator, helping each other by sharing our experience of His presence in our lives.

    2. INTEGRITY - We strive to honor and respect to each other. We keep confidentiality and trust.

    3. COMMUNITY – We pursue genuine relationships and accountability in family, friendship, team, ministry and local community of faith. We work together and learn to use our talents together.

    4. CREATIVITY – We find inspiration in our God. We strive not to hold ourselves, or anyone else, to the standard of "perfection", and experience freedom in His grace. As a team-oriented prayer and teaching ministry we are committed to serving each other, giving God the glory for all that we say and do.

    5. LEARNING – We are lifelong learners who seek to grow in competency as we serve in the body of Christ in its context and intentionally mentor, coach and disciple one another by sharing, listening, learning, healing, bonding, and growing in Christ. We provide a healthy, emotionally safe place for women to heal, be nurtured, grow spiritually, gain confidence, discover their gifts and mentor each other as only women can do for women.

    6. COLLABORATION – We value the body of Christ and engage in strategic partnership in advancing the kingdom purposes of God, out of conviction the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

    7. FRUITFULNESS – Fully dependent upon Christ Jesus, we invest in people and opportunities that enable disciples, women church leaders and churches to grow, multiple and thrive. As we are able, we reach out to, and serve, our community. We seek to be the means of expression through which Christ can touch the lives of others.