Praise Report & Testimonials

Check out these prayer and fasting testimonials of breakthroughs and answered prayers. May you be as encouraged as we are, and may you be encouraged to believe God for more amazing things for you.

Got My Healing During The 21- Days Fast

Prophetess Stella, I wanted to share that for years I have struggled with my digestive system and had problems eating. It got so bad, that I was almost afraid to eat. If I ate, I was in pain. If I skipped a meal, I was in pain. A no-win situation. I also would deny that something was wrong so I would be able to have an actual meal. I longed to eat with everyone else so I could take part in the excitement of just having a good meal. Instead, I would just be miserable. Wondering what was wrong? I underwent lots of testing and everything showed that I was fine. Healthy, with a clean system. So, I decided to try and change things around in my diet. However, this did not work either. When you started mentioning the fast, I asked God to prepare and help me. I so desired to be free, not just from this eating issue, but also from wavering in my relationship with Him. I felt His preparation as we drew nearer to the day that we were to begin. Yes, there were some struggles but nothing like what I experienced before on my own.

I have fasted for the entire 21 days. It has been a true blessing to be able to eat and not experience any pain from that meal. My husband has even noticed that I am able to sleep better. I no longer sleep tucked up in a ball with my hand covering my stomach. I have no more discomfort and feel completely comforted by the Lord. God has truly given me the strength to endure this fast and has helped me overcome my fear of eating. God is truly amazing! Sincerely !

- Stacey P, GA

First Time Fasting

I have never fasted before, but I feel I have good reason. I've only recently learned that I have to pursue a real, personal relationship with Jesus although I've been baptized for nearly 20 years. Many children get saved young and don't fully work to develop that aspect. So, I'm really excited about drawing closer to God by reading his word daily. During this fast, I hope to learn more, much more about my heavenly Father, and I plan to pray for my husband's salvation, and that our marriage can be restored. And I'll be praying that I can completely submit to God's perfect plan for my life and let Him be in control every day, all day. I am thankful for this opportunity to do this with your ministry!

- Cassandra J., IL

Renewal and Awakening

“Prophetess Stella, thank you for that reminder and explanation about the need and privilege to fast. I have been reading all your devotional every day. Wow! Thank you! Glory to God! Did you know that because of your heart to begin the new year with prayer and fasting, my wife and I joined you last year 2019. It made all the difference in a life or death, supernaturally miraculous filled year!”!

- Kelvin T., GA

Received My Healing

My dad suffered a stroke and half of his body was paralyzed. He has been on a wheelchair since late April this year. I prayed for my dad every single day for 21 days of prayer. Initially, nothing much happened. But God did a miracle during the fast service. I was taking care of my dad at home and watching the service online. As I watched, I prayed and laid hands on my father’s shirt as he was upstairs and could not watch the service. As I was praying, my dad suddenly got up and started walking downstairs! I want to thank God for healing my dad!

- Carol O., GA

Thank You Woman of God

“Thank you, Prophetess Stella, for your lessons each day. I copied them and I pray the accompanied prayers throughout the day.”!

- Mark B., TN

Received Salvation

“I attended the Miracle & Anointing service at the close of 21-Days. Even though it was the last day of your fast, I was so moved that I began a 21-day fast the next day. I read your fasting booklet daily. As you referenced scripture passages, I would turn to them in my Bible. (My knowledge of the Bible was just beginning, so I put the Table of Contents to good use!) I did this every day. I began looking forward to my time in Bible study each day. In fact, I used to come home from work and turn on the television, but during my fast, I couldn’t wait to come home and read my Bible! One day I was reading on your booklet and prayed the prayer of salvation! My life has totally changed! I am so grateful!! And it all began with your fast and Miracle & Anointing Service, which led to my fast and my miracle prayer of salvation!

- Stephanie P., GA