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You Are Welcome

Are you looking for a community of like-minded believers to activate the power of prayer in your christian walk? Are you facing a test and need a testimony? Are you tired, weary, burnt out and worn out, ready to quit? Have tried anything & everything and nothing seems to be working and you are just about to throw in the towel?..... (Click link to read the whole Article)

About Us

What is Prayer & Why Pray?

Prayer is having a conversation with God about anything, everything, anytime, and anywhere. Prayer is a communication process that allows us to talk to God and expect Him the respond! God wants us to communicate with Him, like a person-to-person phone call. Prayer is our direct line with heaven. Prayer is the KEY that unlock ALL doors. Click here to go to Prayer Page
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What is Healing

Healing is the process of becoming sound or healthy or the process of restoring (the body, soul & Spirit) back to a state of health and well-being. Sickness is a state of defectiveness or unsound condition. Disease (dubbed dis – ease) is a term for any condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organism (the body, soul & Spirit).Click to go to Healing Page.


What Is Deliverance?

Deliverance about the children of God receiving and walking in the total freedom and abundant life that Christ died to give them! The ministry of deliverance is about bringing spiritual victory and freedom to those who are in bondage. It doesn't matter what you call it (demonized, possessed, oppressed, etc.) ... it's still deliverance, because it's about setting the captives free.(Click link to read the whole Article)

God's Mandate To Women

God calls women through Destiny Women International to arise to the fullness of their destinies with a new anointing and a new authority, from stay-at-home mothers to corporate executives, from layperson to apostles; whether single or married, whether young or old. Understanding who we are in Christ Jesus, our identity in Him gives us purpose in life. (Click link to read the whole Article)


A Note From Prophetess Stella

Arise! Arise! Arise! Daughter of Zion! Daughter of the Most High God! Divine Daughter of Destiny! Prophetic Women of God. ARISE & SHINE!
I want you to know that we are living in a very exciting time in the history of the church as far as women are concerned. God is calling His daughters to rise up and be about His business. In all societies, women traditionally prepare the bride for her special day. If the Church is the Bride of Christ, and the Groom is coming for a spotless Bride, guess who is expected to put the finishing touches on the Bride? “The Woman!”(Click link to read the whole Article)